Intro to Songwriting Workshop


Join us for a beginner-friendly introduction to writing songs. Held at Bojangles Heights, the Intro to Songwriting workshop will be led by Bojangles teachers and other acclaimed working songwriters.

Sunday, April 27 | 2-5 p.m.
$75 per person
Limited seats available
Open to current Bojangles students and the general public

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Join us for a beginner-friendly introduction to writing songs. Held at Bojangles Heights, the Intro to Songwriting workshop will be led by Bojangles teachers and other acclaimed working songwriters.

Sunday, April 27 | 2-5 p.m.
$75 per person
Limited seats available
Open to current Bojangles students and the general public

Join us for a beginner-friendly introduction to writing songs. Held at Bojangles Heights, the Intro to Songwriting workshop will be led by Bojangles teachers and other acclaimed working songwriters.

Sunday, April 27 | 2-5 p.m.
$75 per person
Limited seats available
Open to current Bojangles students and the general public